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DNB Anaesthesiology MD GUIDE

How to prepare for DNB Anaesthesia MD Anaesthesiology

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DNB Anaesthesia Solved Question Bank

DNB MD Anaesthesia online theory and practical exam course


  1. Minimum mandatory monitoring of anaesthesia

  2. Anatomy of larynx

  3. Pulmonary functions tests

  4. Safety in anaesthesia equipment

  5. Management of unconscious patient

  6. Neonatal Resuscitation

  7. Physiology and Mangament of Pain

  8. Trigeminal Neuralgia

  9. Oxygen therapy

  10. Recovery from Anaesthesia

  11. Effect of Positioning

  12. Characteristic and functional specification of vaporizers

  13. Acid base and electrolyte balance

  14. Measurement of Intracranial pressure

  15. Hypotensive Anaestheisa

  16. Obstetric Analgesia

  17. Day Care Anaestheisa

  18. Anaesthesia and Pacemaker

  19. Resuscitation of Trauma patient and Mass Casuality

  20. Anaesthesia implication in Phecochromocytoma

  21. Co-agulation disorders and Anaesthesia

  22. Cardioplegia

  23. Management of Shock

  24. Chronic pain therapy

  25. Neonatal ventilation

  26. Principles of one lung anaesthesia

  27. Anaesthesia in a patient with burns

  28. Sterilization of Anaesthesia equipment

  29. Therapeutic nerve blocks

  30. Organ Harvestation

  31. Cardiac output monitoring


List of Books

Must read:

  1. DNB Anaesthesia Solved Question Bank

  2. Lee.s Synopsis of Anaesthesia

  3. Clinical Anaesthesia Practice by Kirby and Gravenstein

  4. Clinical Anesthesiology by Morgan

  5. Anaesthesia by Nimmo, Rowbotham and Smith

  6. Physics for Anaesthetists by Sir Robert macintosh

  7. Physics applied to Anaesthesia by Hill

  8. Scientific foundations in Anaesthesia by Stanley Feldman and Cyril Scurr

  9. Cardiac Anaesthesia By Joel Kaplan

  10. Clinical Anaesthesia by Barash, Cullen and Stoelting

  11.  Anaesthesia and perioperative complications by Benumoff and Saidman

  12. Textbook of Anaesthesia by Aitkenhead Rowbotham and Smith

  13.  Paediatric Anaesthesia by Gregory

  14. Medicine by Anaesthetists by Vickers

  15. Pharmacology and Physiology for Anaesthetists by Stoelting

  16. Principles of Obstetric Anaesthesia by Selwin Craford

  17. Thoracic Anaesthesia byW.Mushin

  18. Automatic Ventilation by Mushin

  19. Miller RD, ed Anesthesia

  20. Wylie, Churchill, Davidson: Practice of Anaesthesia

  21. Nunn & Utting; Anaesthesia

  22. Stoelting RK, Miller Rd, eds, Basics of Anaesthesia

  23. ICU Book, Paul Marino

  24.  Critical Care, Joseph Civetta & Taylor

  25. Critical Care, Schoemaker

  26. Regional Anaesthesia, Moore

  27. Regional Anaesthesia, P Prithviraj

  28.  The Management of Pain, Bonica

  29. Neural Blockade in Pain Management, Cousins

  30. Practical Management of Pain, Raj

  31. Stoelting & Dierdorf: Anaesthesia and Co-existing Disease

  32. ABG: Shapiro

  33. Dorsch and Dorsch: Understanding Anaesthesia Equipments

  34.  ECG by Shamroth/Goldman

  35. Anatomy for Anaesthetists by Harold Ellis

Must refer:

  1.  J Benumof: Anaesthesia for Thoracic Surgery

  2. Cucchiara and Michenfelder: Clinical Neuroanaesthesia

  3. Cottrell & Smith: Anaesthesia and Neurosurgery

  4. Smith : Pediatric Anesthesia

  5. Steward D: Handbook of Peadiatric Anaesthesia

  6. Complications in Anaesthesiology by Orkin

  7. Complications in Anaesthesia by Raven

  8.  Airway management by JL Benumof

  9. Obstetric Anaesthesia by Chestnut

List of Journals:

  1. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia

  2. Journal of Anaesthesiology and Clinical pharmacology

  3.  Anaesthesia

  4. British Journal of Anaesthesia

  5. Anesthesia and Analgesia

  6. Anesthesiology

  7. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care

  8. Canadian Anaesthesia Society Journal

  9. Acta Anaesthesia Scandanavia

  10.  Regional Anesthsia and Pain Medicine

Year Books:

  1.  Anesthesia Clinic of North America

  2. International Anesthesiology Clinics

  3. Year Book of Anaesthesia

  4. Recent Advances in Anaesthesia

  5. Anaesthesia Review

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