How to prepare for Paediatrics DNB MD theory exam
How to prepare for Paediatrics DNB MD theory exam:
DNB theory exam is really not tough. People fail because they lack guidance
General outline of the exam:
There are four papers, each paper lasting for 3 hrs, 2 papers on one day for two consecutive days. There are grace marks 8marks, 2 in each paper.
Previously there were essay questions & short questions, now there r 10 questions each carrying 10 marks.
To be answered in order
now coming to paper distribution
paper-1 clinical pediatrics
paper-2 social peds, perinatal medicine, growth & devl, PSM, vaccines
paper-3, specialties in pediatrics
paper-4, Basic medical sciences as applied to pediatrics, recent advances.
Ps: as such they do not follow any such distribution, can ask any question any time, nor may not ask. It’s just luck .
Three basic questions:
1. What to read?
2. Where to read?
3. How to prepair?
How to read in the last 30 days:
Of course u can’t read in the last 30 days only to pass. But the last 30 days of preparation does make a difference.
1. Divide ur day into two halves, mornings for reading (as per ur schedule) & evenings for solving question papers.
2. Stress more on repeated questions. Most of the questions are always repeats.
Try writing these questions.
3. Improve Ur writing skills. Practice writing on ruled papers.
4. get a company if u can, discuss read topics
5. Manage Ur timings effectively, be smart in reading)
What to read?
1. Books to read:
NELSON, NELSON & NESON ask anyone this is what ur going to get as reply. But we all know nelson, though great book, is not convenient to read for exams & for passing. Too bulky, difficult to remember. Read from Nelson, make ur notes, add points, stick to ur notes.
Suggested books:
2. CNS- veena Karla
3. CVS- Park textbook of cardiology
4. RS- Nelson
5. Endo- Menon Desai
6. Nephro- Bugga/ Nummulwar
7. Oncohemat- IAP/ Philips Lanzskowsky
8. GIT- Riyaz
9. General peds- OP Ghai
10. Behavior peds- IAP
11.social peds- SPM park
12. Vaccines- IAP guide (can download from net)
13. Emergencies- Meharban Singh
14.Poisioning- Jaypee emergencies by Sachdev
15.Neonatology- AIIMS/ PGI protocol
16.Recent advances in pediatrics JP publications, By Sachdev.
17. Scotts pediatrics
18. DK Series (though it’s a local guide some topics specially nutrition & devl, infections, miscellaneous r given good)
Suggested course -
Paediatrics DNB MD Theory Practical exam course
This is a really well-made online course with notes on all topics. It is highly recommended as the course was created by an exam topper. It is totally worth it!
How to prepare for and pass DNB Paediatrics Practical examination
DNB Practical examination is held twice a year. general outline of the exam
total marks-300
no of days-2
Practical Exam has two main parts: 1. Case presentation 2. OSCEs
case discussion-[/b]2cases, each 75 marks
There are 2 long cases with 30 min to take a case and 30 min of viva for each. There are 2 examiners for each case.
can ask for an interpreter Case evaluation is usually divided in
never manipulate (neither in history or clinical findings)
do not assume
present Ur findings honestly
marks r evenly distributed (25 + 25+ 25 history, examination, discussion) even if history/ examination is bad u can make it in discussion.
OSCE scope to score more & pass
OSCEs are the same in all the centers and are held on the same day at the same time for the whole batch throughout India.
There are Approx. 30 OSCEs including rest stations each for 5 minutes. There is a paper and drop box at each table. After the bell rings, before you leave your OSCE table, you have to drop your answer sheet into the drop box. Attempt all the OSCEs, as very few OSCEs ( NRP) has negative marking.
There r also observed stations where u r asked to elicit/ take history/ demonstrate signs/ resuscitate.
though its lengthy try to answer all the questions
observed stations- can show Ur stuff, good to score
usually based on
1. neonatal resuscitation
2. history taking
3. counseling
4. procedure
rest stations -3-4 in between
other stations
usually based on
1. vaccine/ drug
2. program-me
3. statistics
4. radiology ( X Ray/ EEG/ CT/ MRI)
5. ECG
6. clinical scenario
7. clinical photograph
in my view it is the osce that is life saving. scope to pass more if osce goes well.
things to take to exam center:
1. hall ticket
2. log book & thesis (they don't ask, but just in case)
3. exam kit
4. biscuits/ bread/chocolates for u to eat
5. water to drink.
6. last minute revision some books.
things to do at exam center:
1: reach at least 1/2 hr before the reporting time
2. familiarize Ur self
3. speak with other people, make contacts
4. go to bathroom before the exam starts
5. don't forget to have break fast
6. cool & composed mind.
7. all the luck in this world.
things not to do before the exam:
1. if u feel intimidated by others (there r some people who speak loud as if they r the only ones who know & saying they r going to pass), maintain distance. remember exam is relative comparison. do not let others dominate u. nobody can make u feel inferior unless u allow them.
2. don't join discussions if u r not aware of the topic, or if something is new
3. don't argue, or try reasoning with idiotic colleagues, its just waste of time and energy.
4. do not offer money, or bribes either to staff/ patients.
5. do not get depressed if somebody says they have used influence, they know the examiner & so on. In DNB nothing works
6. do not forget to write your hall ticket number.
7. do not compare Ur self with others. every body has equal chance to pass, and nobody has worked harder than u.
8. do not panic/faint/cry in the exam. do not leave the exam incompletely.(there r people who don't turn out on day-2). give it ur best shot.
and remember its just an exam. passing/failing is immaterial. go to the center as if its Ur lucky day, irrespective of what happens that day u have to face it. be bold & be prepared for the worst. exam is just a matter of luck. And u r the luckiest of all. nothing matters in front of Ur hard work. And remember u deserve to pass.
Dr Sandya polloputtu