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DNB Paediatrics Theory exam question papers bank,past years question papers
1) A. Neonatal mortality rate- indian current status. B. Physical and metabolic properties, food sources of vitamin D.
2) A. Sources of health information for research. B. Tests of statistical significance.
3) A. Causes of metabolic acidosis and role of anion gap. B. Mechanism of phototheraphy in neonatal hyperbilirubinemia.
4) A. Approach to a child with suspected inborn error of metabolism. B. Hepatobiliary morphogenesis.
5) A. Components of facility based newborn care. B. Triage of sick new born in SNCU.
6) A. Anatomy and function of nephron. B. Disorders of neuronal migration.
7) A. Safe injection practices. B. Principles of stem cell theraphy.
8) A. Bronchogenic cyst. B. Steroidogenic pathway.
9) A. Components of Nutritional rehabilitation centre. B. ASHA.
10) A. HPV vaccine current status . B. Patterns of genetic inheritance.
1) A. causes and treatment of epistaxis. 5 B. Differentials for microcytic hypochromic anemia. 5
2) A. Temperature regulation in newborn. 5 B. Syndromes assoc with obesity. 5
3) A. Diamond blackfan anemia, clinical features and treatment. 5 B. Management of chronic ITP. 5
4) A. Classifc of VUR. 5 B. Renal osteodystrophy. 5
5) A. Diagnosis and treatment of ADHD. 5 B. components and benefits of KMC ( Kangaroo mother care) 5
6) A. Investigations and treatment of neonatal seizures. 7 B. Trichotillomania. 3
7) A. Neuroblastoma- clinical features and diagnosis. 5 B. List of micronutrients and methods of prevention of their deficiency. 5
8) A. Complications and management of neonate born to mother with diabetes. B. Medical management of PDA.
9) A. Complications of diphtheria. 6 B. Causes and treatment of Vit D resistant rickets. 4
10) A. Recent RNTCP guidelines for pediatric TB. B. Management of fulminant hepatic failure.
1) A. X linked agamaglobulinemia. B. H1N1-Clinical features and management.
2) A. SLE- diagnostic criteria. B. HSP- clinical features and diagnosis.
3) A. Clinical features of juvenile dermatomyositis. B. Clinical features of acrodermatitis enteropathica.
4) A. Pathogenesis of eisenmengerization B. Diagnosis of cystic fibrosis
5) A. Management of acute myocarditis. B. Causes of recurrent wheeze in children.
6) A. Infective endocarditis prophylaxis. B. Clinical features an diagnosis of portal hypertension.
7) A. Management of hyperkalemia. B. Treatment of Organophosphorus poisoning.
8) A. Diagnosis and management of Kawasaki disease. B. Adolescent immunization.
9) A. Snake bite envenomation- clinical festures. B. Laboratory diagnosis of ricketsial infections.
10) A. Clinical features of tyrosinemiatype1. B. Pediatric cochlear implant.
1) A. Role of imunophenotyping in diagnosis of Acute leukemia. B. Indication for splenectomy in thalassemia.
2) A. Calcium regulation in humans. B. Anti cytokine drugs and their indications.
3) A. Recent advances in diagnosis of tuberculosis. B. Management of DKA.
4) A. Treatmrent of steroid resistant Nephrotic syndrome. B. Hematopoiteic growth factors.
5) A. Therapies for Spinal Muscular Atrophy. B. Diagnostic approach to precocious puberty in girls.
6) A. Renal Scans. B. Counselling in downs syndrome.
7) A. Recent advances in treatment of bronchiolitis. B. Treatment guidelines of neonate born to HIV+ mother.
8) A. Investigation and treatment of childhood vertigo. B. Approach to suspected immunodeficiency. Investigate.
9) A. Causes and pathophysiology of pancreatic enzyme insufficiency. B. Serological tests for celiac disesase.
10) A. Plasmapheresis. B. Evaluation and treatment of congenital hypothyroidism.
1) A. Mechanism of action of valproate as an anti-epileptic drug. B. Mechanisms of supraventricular tachycardia and mode of action of adenosine in supraventricular tachycardia. (4+6)
2) A. What are the usual patterns in haemoglobin electrophoresis in beta thalassemia syndromes? B. Describe oxygen dissociation curve and factors affecting it. (4+6)
3) A. Neural tube defects. B. What is the pathogenesis of oedema in nephrotic syndrome? (5+5)
4) A. Fetal circulation and changes at birth. 4 B. Pulmonary function tests in childhood asthma. 6
5) A. Draw pedigree chart for autosomal dominant inheritance pattern of non-consanguineous parents. 5 B. Describe briefly various types of renal nuclear scans. 5
6) A. Measures of central tendency. B. Ethical principles when doing research on human. (5+5)
7) A. Mission Indradhanush. B. WHO Classification of community acquired pneumonia in children less than 5 years of age. (5+5)
8) A. Sustainable development goals relevant to children. 4 B. Newborn screening is useful in which conditions and how it can be done. 6
9) A. Prevention of iron deficiency anaemia in children under 5 years of age. 5 B. Magnesium and phosphate in treatment of acute severe malnutrition. 5
10) A. Components of structured abstract. 4 B. Study designs 6
1) A. Refeeding syndrome. 5 B. Management of hypoglycaemia in newborn. 5
2) A. Immunization in immunosuppressed children 5 B. Sexual maturation staging in girls and boys. 5
3) A. Describe various types of febrile seizures. B. Diagnostic criteria for autism. (4+6)
4) A. Clinical features and diagnosis of posterior fossa tumours. 5 B. Treatment of raised intracranial tension in acute encephalitic syndrome. 5
5) A. Indication of kidney biopsy in a child with massive proteinuria. 4 B. Diagnosis and treatment of nocturnal enuresis in an eightyear- old. 6
6) A. Treatment of standard risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia.(5) B. Management of hypovolemic Hyponatremia.(5)
7) A. Surfactant in HMD.(5) B. Specific treatment of mild to moderate bleeding in Hemophilia A.(5)
8) A. Causes and management of secondary VUR.(5) B. Treatment of tumour lysis syndrome(5)
9) A. Treatment of hypertensive emergency. (5) B. Epilepsy syndrome with focal seizures (5).
10) A. Diagnosis of Myasthenia gravis (5) B. Treatment of steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome.(5)
1) A. Diagnostic tests for dengue fever.(4) B. Diagnosis and treatment of scrub typhus (6)
2) A. Treatment of cerebral malaria (5) B. Investigations for confirmatory diagnosis of tubercular meningitis.(5)
3) A. Cutaneous manifestations of SLE.(5) B. Approach to a case of exanthematous fever in a 14 months child.(5)
4) A. Treatment of JIA. (4) B. Screening and prevention of ROP. (6)
5) A. Management of tachycardia with pulse but with poor perfusion(6) B. Management of corrosive ingestion in children(4)
6) A. Management of fluid refractory septic shock (5) B. Hyper IGE syndromes(5)
7) A. Diagnositic evaluation of biliary atresia(5) B. Pathophysiology and treatment of cyanotic spell (5)
8) A. Premature thelarche (4) B. Screening and treatment of congenital hypothyroidism (6)
9) A. Causes and investigation of persistent pneumonia (5) B. Diagnosis and treatment of bronchopulmonary aspergillosis(5)
10) A. When to suspect and how to investigate for carbohydrate malabsorption(6) B. Treatment of variceal haemorrhage.(4)
1) A. Biological changes during adolescence 5 B. Comorbidities associated with childhood obesity. 5 2) A. Determinants of plasma osmolality. 6 B. Diagnostic criteria for Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion (SIADH) 4 3) A. Characteristics of a good research question 4 B. Need and methods of blinding for research 6 4) A. Testing for single gene disorders. 6 C. Antenatal screening for Down syndrome. 4 5) A. Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) 6 B. POCSO Act, 2012 4 6) A. Infant Mortality Rate in India-current status. (5) B. Principles of rational antibiotic theraphy. (5) 7) A. Steroid biosynthesis pathway. (4) B. Clinical features of classical CAH. (6) 8) A. Diagnosi and management of Moderate acute malnutrition (6) B. Reductive adaptation in severe acute malnutrition(4) 9) A. Causes of blue spell in neonates(6) B. Differences between SVT and sinus tachycardia.(4) 10) A. Pneumococcal vaccines.(5) B. Approach to a child with metabolic alkalosis.(5)
1) A. Major causes of neonatal mortality and morbidity in India.(4) B. Assessment of fetal well being in pregnancy.(6) 2) A. Diagramatic depiction of layers of scalp and their relationship to various hemorrhages in newborn scalp. (6) B. Management of hemorhagic disease of newborn during first month of life. (4) 3) A. Maternal factors affecting fetal growth.(4) B. Definition and causes of failure to thrive.(6) 4) A. Acute clinical complications of sickle cell disease.(6) B. Diagnosis and management of methemoglobinemia.(4) 5) A. Etiopathogenesis of RPGN.(6) B. Management of HUS.(4) 6) A. List the key problems during breast feeding and their management. (6) B. Screening guidelines for ROP. (4) 7) A. Treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia(5) B. Management of tumour lysis syndrome.(5) 8) A. Physical differences between IUGR and preterm babies.(4) B. Interventions to improve neurodevelopmental outcome of LBW Infants at 1 year of age. (6) 9) A. Treatment and prevention of Vitamin D deficiency rickets(6) B. Diagnosis of acurvy(4) 10) A. Classification of headache in children(4) B. Diagnostic criteria for pseudotumour cerebrii(3) C. List common movement disorders in children(3)
1) A. Diagnosis and management of staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome 5 B. Diagnosis and treatment of leptospirosis. 5 2) A. Approach to a child with joint pains 6 B. Treatment of Kawasaki disease 4 3) A. Cutaneous manifestations of nutritional deficiencies 6 B. Drug treatment for urticaria 4 4) A. Primary ciliary dyskinesia – diagnosis 6 B. Management of acute laryngotracheobronchitis 4 5) A. Management of hypernatremic dehydration 6 B. Management of dysentery 4 6) A. Diagnosis and prevention of congenital rubella syndrome. 5 B. Current therapy of Kala-azar. 5 7) A. Clinical manifestations of scorpion sting envenomation. 5 B. Management of a child with acid ingestion. 5 8) A. Management of congestive heart failure. 5 B. Complications of Tetralogy of Fallot. 5 9) A. Approach to an adolescent with delayed puberty 5 B. Commonly used insulin regimens for long-term treatment of diabetes mellitus type 1. (5) 10) A. Diagnosis and management of severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID) 5 B. Newer anti-epileptic drugs –write the name, dosage and salient adverse effects in a tabular form. 5
1) A. Physiological function of Zinc in human body with special reference to immunity. B. Role of Zinc in treatment of pediatric diarrhea. C. Clinical features of acrodermatitis enteropathica. (5+2+3) 2) A. Observational studies. B. Meta analysis. C. Assessing the validity of a diagnostic test. (3+4+3) 3) A. Rota virus vaccines: dosage, schedule & side effects. 5 B. Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance. 5 4) A. Physiology of acid base homeostasis. B. Enumerate the causes of metabolic acidosis on the basis of anion gap. (6+4) 5) A. Setting up of Special Care Newborn Unit in a district hospital. B. Tools used for developmental screening. (5+5) 6) A. Strategies to prevent mother to child transmission of HIV infection. 5 B. Capsule based Nucleic Acid Amplification test (Gene Xpert) for tuberculosis. 5 7) A. Draw a diagrammatic representation of the coagulation cascade. 5 B. What is the etiopathogenesis of Vitamin K deficiency in infancy? 5 8) A. Surfactant replacement therapy. 5 B. Iron chelation therapy. 5 9) Indications, mode of action and side effects of intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIgG) in pediatric practice. (4+4+2) 10) A. Circulation of CSF. B. Enumerate various causes of hydrocephalus in children. (5+5)
1) A. Differential diagnosis of respiratory distress in a 6 hour old newborn infant. B. Pathophysiology and recent advances in the management of Respiratory Distress Syndrome. (4+(3+3) 2) A. Treatment modalities for retinopathy of prematurity. B. Human milk banking: Criteria for donors, collection & storage. C. Developmental dysplasia of the hip: Diagnosis. (4+3+3) 3) A. Complications of pediatric obesity. 5 B. Management of severe acute malnutrition. 5 4) A. Define and enumerate causes of Global Developmental Delay. 5 B. Outline the investigative approach of Global Developmental Delay. 5 5) A. Causes of recurrent hematuria. 5 B. Management of steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome. 5 6) A. Transfusion associated hepatitis – Diagnosis & management. B. Management of worm infestation in children. (6+4) 7) A. Utility of immunophenotyping in the diagnosis of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) in children. B. Outline management of ALL in children. (5+5) 8) A. Indications of growth hormone therapy in Pediatrics. 6 B. Breath Holding Spells 4 9) A. Adolescent vaccination. 5 B. Approach to common psychological problems of adolescents. 5 10) A. Steps in management of status epilepticus in children. B. Current status of newer antiepileptic drugs. (6+4)
1) Clinical features, diagnostic tests and management of severe malaria in children. (3+3+4)
2) A. Management of Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) in children. 5 B. Treatment of childhood autism. 5
3) A. Congenital cataract - Diagnosis & management. 5 B. Treatment of acute otitis media. 5
4) Pathophysiology, causes, clinical features and management of acute renal failure in children. (3+3+2+2) 5) A. Assessment and management of a child with suspected poisoning. 5 B. Management of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. 5 6) Outline pain pathway. Pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic methods of pain relief in children. 3+(4+3) 11 7) A. Measures to reduce intracranial tension. 4 B. Management of scabies in children. 6 8) A. Factor replacement therapy in Hemophilia. 5 B. Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. 5 9) A. Aerosol therapy for respiratory disorders. 5 B. Current guidelines for management of H1N1 infection. 5 10) A. Treatment of gastro-esophageal reflux disease. 5 B. Causes of cardiomyopathy in children. 5
1) A. Outline the steps involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones. B. Clinical features and management of classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia.(3+(4+3)
2) Classification, etiopathogenesis and management of haemolytic uraemic syndrome. (3+4+3)
3) A. Munchausen syndrome by proxy. 4 B. Meta-analysis.3 C. Forest Plot graph.3
4) Mechanism of action, therapeutic usage, dosages and adverse effects in children of: A. Low molecular weight heparins 5 B. Magnesium sulphate. 5
5) A. Pathophysiology of regulation of plasma osmolality. 5 B. Diagnosis and management of distal renal tubular acidosis. 5
6) A. Pathophysiology of thrombophilia. 4 B. Outline management of polycythemia. 4 C. Enumerate the oncologic emergencies occurring in leukemia/lymphomas. 2
7) A. Biology and role of cytokines in newborn infants. 3 B. Oxygenation index. 3 C. ASHA. 4
8) A. Define fulminant hepatic failure. B. Stages of hepatic encephalopathy. C. Management of fulminant hepatic failure. (2+3+5)
9) A. Development of diaphragm, trachea and esophagus. B. Diagrammatically depict various types of tracheoesophageal fistulae. (2+2+2)+4
10) A. Give graphical picture and explanation of elastic volumepressure relationship of lung and chest wall in children. B. How would you distinguish restrictive vs obstructive lung disease based on PFT? ( (6+4)
1) A 12-year-old female child presents with short stature and delayed puberty. A. Enumerate various possible causes. 2 B. Approach to diagnosis and their management. 8
2) A. MDR and XDR tuberculosis: treatment strategies. 6 B. AVNRT (AV Nodal Re-entrant Tachycardia). 4
3) A child with suspected diabetes insipidus is brought to hospital. How will you approach, investigate and manage this patient? (2+3+5)
4) A. Outline the physiology of Vitamin D. 4 C. Diagnosis and treatment of Vitamin D dependent rickets. (3+3)
5) Management of: A. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. 4 B. Tourette’s disorder. 3 C. PANDAS. 3
6) A. Management of steroid resistant & steroid dependent nephrotic syndrome. B. Metabolic syndrome: diagnosis & complications. (6+4)
7) A. Etiological classification of neonatal hypoglycemia. 2 B. Clinical features and management of neonatal hypoglycemia. (3+5)
8) A. Management of infantile tremor syndrome. 4 B. Clinical features of hypervitaminosis A. 3 C. Clinical features of hypervitaminosis D. 3
9) A 2 year old child presents with history of regression of milestones for past 6 months and hepatomegaly. Discuss the differential diagnosis and diagnostic approach. (7+3)
10) A. Macrophage activation syndrome. 5 B. Causes and investigations in a child with stroke. 5
1) A. Define near drowning. B. Pathophysiology and management of near drowning. (2+(4+4)
2) Outline the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of: A. Familial dysautonomia 5 B. Autonomic neuropathies 5
3) A. How will you classify childhood histiocytosis? 2 B. Diagnostic criteria, clinical features and treatment for hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. (2+3+3)
4) A. Obstructive sleep apnea: Diagnosis and management B. Clinical features and management of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. (5+5)
5) A. How do you classify and treat lupus nephritis? 5 B. Enumerate causes and management of adrenal crisis 5
6) A. Hypernatraemic dehydration. 5 B. Hyperosmolar non ketotic diabetic coma. 5
7) Diagnosis and management of: A. Lead poisoning. 5 B. Kerosene oil ingestion. 5
8) A. Neonatal pain. 5 B. Fetal therapy. 5
9) Primary and secondary prevention of genetic disorders. (5+5)
10) A. What are the biochemical criteria for the diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis? 3 B. What are the goals of therapy? 2 C. How will you manage a child with DKA ? 5
1) A. Adrenal steroid hormone synthesis. 5 B. Outline the biochemical consequences of defects in the classical 21-hydroxylase deficiency and its management. (2+3)
2) A. Structure of glomerulus with diagrammatic representation. B. What are the glomerular changes in rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis? 6+4
3) Enumerate the five high impact activities under RMNCH+A programme. 10
4) How is plasma osmolality calculated? Discuss its determinants. What are the diagnostic criteria of SIADH (Syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion)? (3+4)+3)
5) A. Steps to curb female infanticide. B. Role of micronutrients in pediatric health and disease. (5+5) 14
6) A. Virology and epidemiology of Swine-flu. B. How is the disease categorized according to Govt. of India guidelines? C. Mention which children need to be immunized and who need to be given medication for the disease. (1+2)+3+(2+2)
7) A. Evidence based medicine. 6 B. Forest plot in meta-analysis. 4
8) A. Clinical trials – Phase I, Phase II, Phase III & Phase IV. 5 B. Ethics in biomedical research. 5
9) A. Laws of adoption in India. B. Define translocation. Write the inheritance pattern for translocations. Describe clinical features of any one translocation disorder. (4+6)
10) A. Enumerate 4 common neuronal migration disorders and their clinical features in brief. 6 B. Millennium Development Goals (MDG). 4
1) A. Causes of neonatal anaemia. B. Cyanosis in newborn. (5+5)
2) Aetiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and management of hypophosphataemia. (2+3+2+3)
3) A. What is Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM)? B. What are the clinical signs of SAM? C. Management of SAM in an one year old child weighing 5 kg. (2+2+6)
4) An 8 year old child is brought with history of convulsions and altered sensorium. His BP is 180/110 mmHg. Discuss the differential diagnosis, laboratory investigations and management of this patient. (3+3+4)
5) A. Apnoea of prematurity. B. Retinopathy of prematurity. (5+5)
6) Management of steroid resistant and steroid dependent nephrotic syndrome. (5+5)
7) Management of: A. Acute myeloid leukaemia B. Aplastic anaemia. 5+5
8) A. Diagnosis and management of pertussis. B. VAPP (Vaccine Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis) 5+5
9) A. Fluoride and disease. 2 B. Hypervitaminosis A. 4 C. Hypervitaminosis D. 4
10) A. CSF formation and CSF circulation. B. Enumerate the causes and management of: C. i. Communicating hydrocephalus and; ii. Non-communicating hydrocephalus. ( (4+(3+3)
1) Pathophysiology and management of: A. Organophosphorus poisoning. B. Scorpion bite. (5+5)
2) What are the biochemical criteria for the diagnosis of Diabetic Ketacidosis (DKA)? What are the goals of therapy? How will you manage a 7 year child with DKA? (3+3+4)
3) Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and management of cardigenic shock? (2+3+2+3)
4) Describe the symbols used in pedigree chart. Draw pedigree charts over four generation depicting: a) X-linked dominant disease. b) X-linked recessive disease. 4+(3+3)
5) Define severe dengue. Describe the WHO guidelines for its management. Enumerate the complications of severe dengue. (2+4+4)
6) A. Bioterrorism B. Radiation sickness C. Congenital cataract (3+3+4)
7) A. Modified Glasgow Coma Scale for children and infants. B. Its advantages and disadvantages. C. What is AVPU Pediatric Response Scale? (5+2+3)
8) Define fulminant hepatic failure. Write stages of hepatic encephalopathy. Outline steps of its management. 2+3+5)
9) A. Autistic spectrum disorders. B. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. C. Graft versus host disease. (3+3+4)
10) A. Hypernatremia. B. Hyperkalemia. C. Non-pharmacoglogic strategies for pain management. (3+3+4)
1) Give a diagrammatic representation of urea cycle. Indicate and name related disorders of urea cycle metabolism at each step.(10)
2) A. Clinical signs and symptoms of refeeding syndrome. B. How will you manage such a case?( 7+3)
3) A. Mention the anatomical and functional factors responsible for obstructive sleep apnoea in children. B. How do you diagnose and treat this condition? 5+(2+3)
4) Characteristic hematological features, laboratory findings and treatment of congenital hypoplastic anaemia (Diamond-Blackfan anaemia). (3+3+4)
5) Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and management of carbon monoxide poisoning. (3+3+4)
6) A. What is bias in medical research? 2 B. Common types of bias and the methods to minimize bias in analytical studies.(4+4)
7) A. Define child abuse and child neglect. 2 B. Outline the steps involved in management of a suspected child of sexual abuse.(2+6)
8) A. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). 5 B. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) in paediatric population. 5
9) A. What is relative risk (RR) and discuss its implications? 4 B. What is the usefulness of confidence interval? 3 C. Implications of sensitivity and specificity. 3
10) Safe injection practices at level III care with respect to burden/deficiencies, risks, technique, handling and disposal. (2x5)
1) What is Anion gap? Discuss the acid-base disturbance in metabolic acidosis. Enumerate the causes of increased anion gap and normal anion gap metabolic acidosis. (1+5+(2+2)
2) Utility of newer Neuro-imaging modalities in paediatric age group and their cost effective benefits. (5+5) 17
3) Pathophysiology and management of: A. Refractory shock. B. Intraventricular hemorrhage. (5+5)
4) What is ‘Developmental delay’? Describe different tools used for screening and for diagnosis of developmental delay. 2+(4+4)
5) A. Serologic course of acute hepatitis B. (4) B. Treatment strategies for acute and chronic hepatitis B. (6)
6) A. Anaemia of Prematurity. B. Treatment options for a 3 month old preterm who has Hb of 6 gm%. (5+5)
7) A. Neuroprotective strategies in CNS injuries in neonates. 5 B. Complications of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in a neonate. 5
8) A. Algorithmic approach to a neonate with suspected I.E.M. 5 B. Silverman Anderson Scoring System. 5
9) Tabulate the mechanism of action, dosage, indications and side effects of the following: A. Zonisamide B. Rufinamide C. Stiripentol D. Levetricacetam E. Lacosamide
10) What are the defining criteria of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS)? Name the mediators involved and their mode of action. (5+5)
1) Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and management of salicylate poisoning.(3+3+4)
2) A. Classification of Spinal Muscular Atrophies (SMA). 5 B. Major distinguishing features amongst various forms of SMA. 5
3) A. Free Radicals.5 B. Febrile neutropaenia - Definition & management. 5
4) A. What is Developmentally Supportive Care? 3 B. Components of Developmentally Supportive Care in neonates. 7
5) Algorithmic approach to a suspected case of Kawasaki disease. Enumerate its complications and outline the management. 5+(2+3)
6) Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and management of Gluten sensitive enteropathy. 3+4+3
7) A 2 month old baby presents with history of failure to gain weight, tachypnea, tachycardia, difficulty in taking feed and excessive perspiration. On examination – no cyanosis, hepatomegaly and a systolic murmur is noted. Discuss differential diagnosis, investigations and management. (4+3+3)
8) What is the pathogenesis of graft v/s host disease? What are its clinical manifestations? What measures can be taken to prevent it in case of stem-cell transplantation? (4+3+3)
9) Outline management of: A. Steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome. 5 B. Child with pulmonary involvement with cystic fibrosis. 5
10) A. Congenital varicella. 4 B. Complications of Pertussis. 3 C. Roseola Infantum. 3