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DNB Anaesthesiology Nanavati super speciality hospital, Mumbai


Updated: Jan 17, 2019

best hospitals for dnb anaesthesiology dnb anaesthesia
Nanavati hospital dnb anaesthesiology

  • Name Prachi Sharma

  • Email xx

  • Phone No. xx

  • Course Name Primary Dnb Anesthesiology

  • Hospital Name Nanavati super speciality hospital, Mumbai

  • Subject / Speciality Anaesthesiology

  • How does your department function, no of consultants,no of units etc The head of department decides the posting in various OTs and the residents decide the on call roster.

  • Stipend 50,000

  • Working hours, duties per month, night duties, how many hr shifts 7:30am to 7:00 pm routine, emergency duties start and the on call person relieves the other residents, night duties are managed by consultant and one resident. Over all very good experience and hands on. We do all procedures, regional USG blocks and neuroanesthesia are very good, so is the ICU exposure

  • Passing rate More than 50 percent

  • Case Load, variety etc.. Renal Transplant, orthopedics, OBGY, peadiatric surgery, general surgery, bariatric surgeries, cardiac and neuro surgeries, ENT.. all specialities covered.

  • Cutting chances, Hands on, what surgeries procedure one can expect to do .. Very good cutting. Epidural/ awake fibre optic/ CSE/ regional blocks, Lines etc everything covered

  • Working Environment, pressure, stress etc Stress isnt so much because consultants are around during induction but the residents do most of the procedures

  • Academic program, teaching Lectures every Saturday.

  • whats points lacking in your centre , that you would like to have implemented.(cons of your institute) Academics needs to be improved

  • why you would recommend this centre to your juniors (points in favor)(pros of your institute) Hands on, exposure to variety of cases, peripheral calls including endoscopy and CT MRI, lot of responsibilities hence good learning

  • Do u want to stay anonymous? yes/no Yes

  • Best 5 hospitals for your subject in your opinion Hinduja Mahim, BARC Mumbai, Nanavati hospital mumbai, Gangaram hospital Delhi, deenanath Mangeshkar pune

  • Your thoughts about your institute and few more words The institute offers some of the best exposure in Medicine, peadiatrics, orthopedics and anesthesia. The main point is that the consultants are very friendly and give lot of chances to learn new techniques.



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