PG Teaching Course 2018 IOACON Coimbatore
A postgraduate teaching course designed for imbibing the basic practical orthopaedic clinical skills in postgraduate doctors in training.
november 26 27 2018, coimbatore IOACON

As part of IOACON 2018, we are glad to announce a two-day (November 26 and 27)IOA Post Graduate Teaching Course. This course is aimed at strengthening the basic knowledgeof orthopaedic trainees and hence focussed on Clinical Examination of each joint, Basics of Trauma Care, and Fundamentals of Reading Radiographs.
We are fortunate to have confirmed the participation of a galaxy of stalwarts in the field of Orthopedic teaching. The icing on the cake will be that standard orthopaedic examiners will be the teachers in this course and thus the students can understand the expectations of an examiner. The students will be given a mock test during the course based on the lectures delivered, and the winners stand a chance to participate in the next year’s Annual SICOT meeting and APOA conference. We request the Post Graduates and trainees to attend the course and derive benefits from this teaching program.
You can contact us at
IOACON 2018 Conference Secretariat
Ganga Hospital
313, Mettupalayam Road, Coimbatore – 641043
Mobile No: 8220037737
Landline: 0422 – 2485195 (From 10am – 5pm)
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