Mostly all speciality based exams are covered under common NEET SS pattern
, where all subjects need to be covered. Exam is a computer based test, with 200 MCQ to be solved in 3 hrs (180 mins) with negative marking (25%)
Head and Neck Surgery is one of the many superspecialties with fair competition. It may appear tough due to the demand and limited seats but there are smart ways to overcome most problems.
Head and Neck surgery encompasses a lot of topics like Ear, Nose, Throat, Neck, Skull, hearing, taste, olfaction but students can expect questions from oncology, Pediatric, Pulmonological and Emergency perspectives also.
Docguidance offers NEET-SS coaching for NEET-SS aspirants in the form of mcq question bank mock exam course with has the largest solved question bank with explanations, NEET SS Mock examinations with results and analytics and regular updates through the validity of your subscription.
Attributes of the online course for NEET SS Mch Head and Neck Surgery
Mentorexam android app for use on the go
Latest exam questions
Largest question bank
Bonus General Surgery mcq package
Real exam interface as NEET-SS
Same software in NEET-SS
Answers with explanations
Unlimited Mock exams
All India Ranking
Results analytics
High yield notes
Computer online access besides app
Half price offer now ending soon
1 year validity with updates
Students are sure to get benefited through our courses. Scroll down for similar online courses on all NEET Superspecialites.
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