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June 2019 DNB Orthopaedics theory exam Question papers


June 2019 DNB Orthopaedics theory exam Question papers

June 2019 DNB Orthopaedics theory exam Question papers
June 2019 DNB Orthopaedics theory exam Question papers

June 2019 DNB Orthopaedics theory exam Question papers
June 2019 DNB Orthopaedics theory exam Question papers

June 2019 DNB Orthopaedics theory exam Question papers
June 2019 DNB Orthopaedics theory exam Question papers

June 2019 DNB Orthopaedics theory exam Question papers
June 2019 DNB Orthopaedics theory exam Question papers

June 2019 DNB Orthopaedics theory exam Question papers
June 2019 DNB Orthopaedics theory exam Question papers

June 2019 DNB Orthopaedics theory exam Question papers
June 2019 DNB Orthopaedics theory exam Question papers

June 2019 DNB Orthopaedics theory exam Question papers
June 2019 DNB Orthopaedics theory exam Question papers

June 2019 DNB Orthopaedics theory exam Question papers
June 2019 DNB Orthopaedics theory exam Question papers

FINAL EXAM JUNE 2019 NATIONAL BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS ORTHOPAEDICS PAPER-1 TIME: 3 HOURS MAX. MARKS: 100 ORTHO/J/19/27/I IMPQRTANTINSTRUCTIONS > This question paper consists of 10 questions divided into Part "A" and part "B", each part containing 5 questions. * Answers to questions of part A and part B are to be strictly attempted in separate answer sheet(s) and the main + supplementary answer sheet(s) used for each part must be tagged separately * Answers to question(s) of Part A attempted in answer sheet(s) of part B or Vice versa shalj not be evaluated. * Answer sheets of Part A and Part B are not to be tagged together * Part A and Part B should be mentioned only on the covering page of Ihe respective answer sheets . * Attempt alt questions tn order. - Each question carries 10 marks , * Read the question carefully and answer to Ihe point neatly and fegrbiy, * Do not leave any blank pages between two answers. * Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space, * Answer all the parts of a single question together. * Start the answer to a question on a fresh page or leave adequate space between two * Draw table/diagrams/flowcharts wherever appropriate. Write short notes on: answers .Ik\ K-OP*6 FINAL EXAM JUNE 2019 NATIONAL BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS ORTHOPAEDICS PAPER-II at s'J • Answers to questions of Part A and part B are to be strictly attempted in separate answer sheets and the supplementary answer sheets used for each part must be tagged separately. • Answers to questions) of Part A attempted in answer sheets of Part B or vice versa shall not be evaluated. man + PART B a) General principles and technique of application of plaster cast. b) Advantages and disadvantages of plaster of Paris cast. c) Functional cast brace. a) Etiology and patho-anatomy of old unreduced dislocation of shoulder joint. features and management of posterior dislocation of shoulder joint. 8. a) Classify nerve injuries. b) Significance and interpretation of electro-diagnostic studies in nerve injuries. Discuss the various conventional and modern methods of management of congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia. 10. a) Volkmann splint. b) Phemister bone grafting. c) C- clamp. 6. 4+3+3 7. 3+(3+4) o* b) Clinical 5+5 9. 5+5 3+3+4 ************ < NATIONAL BOARD OT EXAMINATIONS FINAL EXAM j U N t 2 0 1 y nRTHOPAEDICS PAPER-IV ORTHOyj/19/27/IV TIME : 3 HOURS MAX MARKS: 100 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS . This question paper consists of 10 questions divided into Part “ A" and part “ B", each part containing 5 questions. • Answers to questions of part A and part B are to be strictly attempted in separate answer sheet(s) and the main + supplementary answer sheet(s) used for each part must be tagged separately. • evaluated Answers to . question^) of Part A attempted in answer sheet(s) of part B or Vice versa shall not be • Answer sheets of Part A and Part 0 are not to be tagged together. Part A and Part B should be mentioned only on the covering page 0f the respective answer Attempt ail questions fn order. Each question carries 10 marks. Read the question carefully and answer to the point neatly and legibly Do not leave any blank pages between two Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin Answer all the parts of a single question together. question on a fresh page or leave adequate space between two * Draw table/diagrams/flowcharts wherever appropriate. frite Short notes on: sheets. answers space. Start the answer to a answers . PART A 1. a) Dual mobility in total hip arthroplasty, b) Orthobiclogics in Orthopedics. 2. a) Indications and principles of revision total hip b) Discuss the different types of acetabular defects and management. 3. Current concepts in the treatment of clavicle fractures.104. Unreconstructabie fractures in the eiderly and discuss the5+5 management options. 5. Principles of early total care and damage control Orthopedics. 5+5 surgery. 5+5 5+5 P .T.O. POSSESSiON/USE OF CELL PHONES • M *\l : \ AM )UNt .vni NATIONAL BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS ORTHOPAEDICS PAPER-111 TIMl 3 HOURS MAX MARKS 100 ORTHO/J/19/27/111 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTinMn; • This question paper consists of 10 containing 5 questions. questions divided into Part "A" and part “B”, each part . and Answers the main to questions + supplementary of part Aanswer and part sheetfs B are to ) used be stricdy for each attempted part must in be separate taggedanswer separately sheet . (s) wakrtted*0 quest!°n(s) of Part A attempted in answer sheet(s) of part B or Vice versa shall not be \ $'i' icsts of Part A and Part B are not to be tagged together ’ P'lrt A andPartBshould te«*enfiwedonly on the coveringpage of the respective answer sheets • Attempt all questions in order • Each question carries 10 marks • Read the question carefully and answer to the point neatiy and legibly. • Do not leave any blank pages between two • Indicate the question numbei- correctly for the answer in the margin • Answer all the parts of a single question together. tort the answer to a question on a fresh page or leave adequate space between two • Draw table diagram&Howcharts wherever appropriate. Write Short notes on: answers space. answers. PART A 1. a1 Antibiotic prophylaxis. D1 Operation theatre sterilization and antisepsis. 2. a Rcie of embolization in orthopedic surgery. b1 Floor Reaction Orthoses. c1 Pseudo tumours. a) Surgical anatomy of hip joint. D) Enumerate the surgical approaches of the hip, mention ac \ antaces anc disadvantages of each approach. 4 . a' Kapandji technique. b) Jaipur Foot. c- Orthoses in developmental dysplasia of hip. ?hrc cles of management including recent advances in the treatment of flail chest. 5+5 4+3-3 3. 4+6 3*3+4 5 . 3+5 P.T.O. 1- 'vi.'TO\ L5:OFCZu ~3\£SOffA\‘ “ 1r C-Ckr- J S _ -I’ ’. r -_ S O c -- £ r^ HAH. V *iAT .iV ORTHOPAEDICS PAPER-11 ORTHO/J/19/27/11TIME: 3 HOURSMAX. MARKS: 100 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS "A” and part “B”. each part * • This question paper consists of 10 questions divided into Part containing 5 questions. • Answers to questions of part A and part B are to be strictly attempted in separate answer s ee (s ) and the main + supplementary answer sheet(s) used for each part must be tagged separately. • Answers to question(s) of Part A attempted in answer sheet(s) of part B or Vice versa shall not be evaluated. Answer sheets of Part A and Part B are not to be tagged together. Part A and Part B should be mentioned only on the covering page of the respective answer sheets. Attempt all questions in order. Each question carries 10 marks. Read the question carefully and answer to the point neatly and legibly, Do not leave any blank pages between two answers. Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space, Answer all the parts of a single question together. Start the answer to a question on a fresh page or leave adequate space between two answers. Draw table/diagrams/flowcharts wherever appropriate. 3+' Write short notes on: PART A 5+5 a) Surgical reduction of fractures. b) Absolute and relative stability i fractures. 1. n the treatment of 3+4+3 a) Outline the principles of external fixation. 2. b) Modular and hybrid external fixator and Taylor spatial frame. c) Dynamization of external fixator. 5+5 and classifications of non-union of fractures, ba) ) Principles Causes of management of infected non-union of fractures. 3. 3+3+4 Clinical features and assessment of floating knee and principles of its management. 4. 3+4+3 Early and late onset paraplegia in spinal tuberculosis, b) Surgical approaches for Pott’s paraplegia, o) Stages in the tuberculosis of hip joint. 5. a) P.T.O. P J -1 POSSESSION/USE OF CELL PHONES OR ANY SUCH ELECTRONIC GADGETS IS NOT PERMITTED INSIDE THE EXAMINATION HALL. FINAL EXAM JUNE 2019 NATIONAL BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS ORTHOPAEDICS PAPER-1 Answers to questions of Part A and part B are to be strictly attempted in separate answer sheets and the mam + supplementary answer sheets used for each part must be tagged separately. Answers to question(s) of Part A attempted in answer sheets of Part B or vice versa shall not be evaluated. PART B 6. a) Enumerate the various metabolic and endocrine dfseases having skeletal manifestations. b) Clinical features of rickets. c) Radiologic findings of rickets. 4+3+3 7. a) Mechanism of action and use of TENS in Orthopaedics , b) PET scan in Orthopaedics. a) Histology of bone. b) Various factors regulating bone metabolism. c) Electric phenomena and electrical charges in bones. 9. a) Clinical features of gas gangrene. b) Biofiim. c) Surgical anatomy of posterior interosseous nerve. 10. a) Anti-tubercular therapy in musculoskeletal tuberculosis, b) Liquid culture (MGIT), 5+5 8. 3+4+3 3+3+4 6+4 **#+++****** FINAL EXAM JUNE 201v) NATIONAL BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS ORTHOPAEDICS PAPER-,111 Please read carefully the important instructions mentioned on Pa * tlT mam supplementary t0 C|UeS,ions 0answer f Part Asheets and used B are forto each be strictly part must attempted be tagged in separate separately answer sheets and the ' nSWef",0 qUeS,IOn(s) of Part Aattemptedinanswersheets ofPart 8or vice versa shallnotbeevaluated e T PART B 6. Indications and principles of pelvic osteotomies merits & demerits. 7. a) Lateral mass fixation technique. b) Proximal fibular osteotomy. c) Medial collateral ligament injury in total knee arthroplasty. Clinical and radiological features and management of aneurysmal bone cyst of distal femur. 9. a) Corticotomy. b) Custom mega prostheses. c) Balloon kyphoplasty. 10. a) Skin grafts. b) Fasciocutaneous and musculocutaneous flaps. c) Free flaps. and their 3+3+4 3+3+4 8. 2+2+6 3+3+4 3+4+3 ^ ifr ilr** fti/J. FINAL EXAM NATIONAL BOARD OF EXAMINATJC JUNE 2019 ORTHOPAEDICS PAPER-1V PART B 6. a) 3D and 4D printing in Orthopedics D) Reamer irrigation aspiration c) Current concepts in 4+3+3 system, the treatment of osteomyelitis. 7. a) Patient specific instrumentationi b) VAC therapy. c) Fixation devices in in arthroplasty, cruciate ligament reconstruction. 4+3+3 8. a) Role of bone b) Minimaliinvasive marrow spineaspirate surgeryin . Orthopedic trauma, 5+5 9. Current concepts of classification thoracolumbar spine fractures. and management of 10 10. a) Tranexamic acid im Orthopedic suroerv , b) Principles of volar locking plate. c) Robotic surgery in Orthopaedics. 3->-3+4 *****!**#* 2- •SIDE THE EXAMINATION OJ PERMITTEDm AOGETS IS N SUCH ELECTRONIC G POSSESSION/USE OF CELL PHONES OR ANY HALL FINAL EXAM JUNE 2019 NATIONAL BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS ORTHOPAEDICS PAPER-1 TIME: 3 HOURS MAX. MARKS: 100 ORTHO/J/19/27/I IMPQRTANTINSTRUCTIONS > This question paper consists of 10 questions divided into Part "A" and part "B", each part containing 5 questions. * Answers to questions of part A and part B are to be strictly attempted in separate answer sheet(s) and the main + supplementary answer sheet(s) used for each part must be tagged separately * Answers to question(s) of Part A attempted in answer sheet(s) of part B or Vice versa shalj not be evaluated. * Answer sheets of Part A and Part B are not to be tagged together * Part A and Part B should be mentioned only on the covering page of Ihe respective answer sheets . * Attempt alt questions tn order. - Each question carries 10 marks , * Read the question carefully and answer to Ihe point neatly and fegrbiy, * Do not leave any blank pages between two answers. * Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space, * Answer all the parts of a single question together. * Start the answer to a question on a fresh page or leave adequate space between two * Draw table/diagrams/flowcharts wherever appropriate. Write short notes on: answers PART A 1. a) Define shock and classify different types of hemorrhagic shock. b) Reperfusion injury and principles of treatment of hypovolemic shock. (2+4)+(2+2) 2, a) The different compartments of leg. b) Clinical features and management of compartment syndrome of leg. c) Whiteside's technique. a) Anatomy of joint capsule and its surgical importance. b) Synovial fluid analysis in various disorders. 4. The patho-anatomy of sciatic nerve with special surgical considerations in nerve injuries. 5, a) Classify open fractures. b) Management of Grade III B open fracture of tibia. 2+6+2 3. 3+7 5+5 3+7 P.T.O. June 2019 DNB Orthopaedics theory exam Question papers

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